I haven't updated in a while. Lots has happened since then, at least in terms of fitness. I injured my shoulder doing pole. Specifically, it was from a few rigorous elbow grip Ayesha and Iguana sessions. I probably just did the two moves too much, which is very probable, because I was working on each for at least 20 minutes straight. At any rate, it was so painful that I finally went and saw a physical therapist. I've never seen a PT before, so that indicates how bad it was. It's not a terrible injury, but a full month later and it's still causing pain and I can't do most of the things I could before. I can't do any striking with that side, anything that causes my shoulder to jut forward - which means I can't do any combat training. Krav and UC are completely out for a while, but I've been able to go to boxing and work on my non-dominant side. Actually, that's been helpful because I was starting to notice a huge difference in strength and speed on ...