I haven't updated in a while. Lots has happened since then, at least in terms of fitness. I injured my shoulder doing pole. Specifically, it was from a few rigorous elbow grip Ayesha and Iguana sessions. I probably just did the two moves too much, which is very probable, because I was working on each for at least 20 minutes straight. At any rate, it was so painful that I finally went and saw a physical therapist. I've never seen a PT before, so that indicates how bad it was.
It's not a terrible injury, but a full month later and it's still causing pain and I can't do most of the things I could before. I can't do any striking with that side, anything that causes my shoulder to jut forward - which means I can't do any combat training. Krav and UC are completely out for a while, but I've been able to go to boxing and work on my non-dominant side. Actually, that's been helpful because I was starting to notice a huge difference in strength and speed on my right vs left side. The only thing I really can't do is a full forward strike with my right hand.
Pole is almost completely out. I found out from the level of pain I'm in afterward that it is apparently the most shoulder heavy activity that I do. I guess it makes sense, since it's what caused it in the first place; but compared to boxing, I thought it would be lower on the list. Yoga, too, really causes a lot of pain. That came as a surprise.
Needless to say, I've been getting antsy. I can't pole at all, basically (although I'm still going to go to my last Pole 7 routines class today, since there won't be any more advanced classes for a while. My shoulder already hurts a ton, so hears to expecting the worse); can't do krav or UC (I attempted a krav class on Monday and my shoulder paid for it yesterday and today); boxing is limited; yoga is out; and I can't do 80% of arm strengthening exercises. The only thing left is basically cardio, which I hate so fricken much. I did some rollerblading the other day, which was nice, and I think I'll do more biking in September once I'm back from Memphis this weekend; but I refuse to run. I did that once since the injury and just hated it. It has not grown on me at all.
And then I pulled my hamstring something terrible the other day, so that's not helping. I feel so weak.
Oh, also, all the instructors at the Monkey Bar Gym quit this past week. There are literally no classes left except Donna's boxing, and who knows how long she'll stay. I signed up for a 5-class trial at Roufus Gym right before my injury, so I guess I'll be checking that out. I also plan on trying out Medina's in Waukesha. Even my mom had heard of them, so they must be good. But all the instructors are planning on starting their own gym beginning in September, so the classes won't be gone for too long (hopefully).
It's not a terrible injury, but a full month later and it's still causing pain and I can't do most of the things I could before. I can't do any striking with that side, anything that causes my shoulder to jut forward - which means I can't do any combat training. Krav and UC are completely out for a while, but I've been able to go to boxing and work on my non-dominant side. Actually, that's been helpful because I was starting to notice a huge difference in strength and speed on my right vs left side. The only thing I really can't do is a full forward strike with my right hand.
Pole is almost completely out. I found out from the level of pain I'm in afterward that it is apparently the most shoulder heavy activity that I do. I guess it makes sense, since it's what caused it in the first place; but compared to boxing, I thought it would be lower on the list. Yoga, too, really causes a lot of pain. That came as a surprise.
Needless to say, I've been getting antsy. I can't pole at all, basically (although I'm still going to go to my last Pole 7 routines class today, since there won't be any more advanced classes for a while. My shoulder already hurts a ton, so hears to expecting the worse); can't do krav or UC (I attempted a krav class on Monday and my shoulder paid for it yesterday and today); boxing is limited; yoga is out; and I can't do 80% of arm strengthening exercises. The only thing left is basically cardio, which I hate so fricken much. I did some rollerblading the other day, which was nice, and I think I'll do more biking in September once I'm back from Memphis this weekend; but I refuse to run. I did that once since the injury and just hated it. It has not grown on me at all.
And then I pulled my hamstring something terrible the other day, so that's not helping. I feel so weak.
Oh, also, all the instructors at the Monkey Bar Gym quit this past week. There are literally no classes left except Donna's boxing, and who knows how long she'll stay. I signed up for a 5-class trial at Roufus Gym right before my injury, so I guess I'll be checking that out. I also plan on trying out Medina's in Waukesha. Even my mom had heard of them, so they must be good. But all the instructors are planning on starting their own gym beginning in September, so the classes won't be gone for too long (hopefully).
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