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Long Key Vacation

A big weight off my chest. My breath is finally coming easily. 

5 days into our vacation and I finally sit with relief. There aren’t many left, but 2 is better than none. This is how I felt when I was in the car on the way down, right before I called my auto insurance and accidentally spiked it $400 by asking a question. It triggered a weeklong series of car problems, ranging from budget planning (and budget panicking) to registration renewal confusion and DMV website issues. And at the end of the day, most of it was a non-issue, so I felt like I expended all this time and energy on nothing, detracting from what I could have given to my trip. But… I learned a lot in the process. I’m more prepared than I was before, although I wish it hadn’t all happened when I was on vacation. I don’t know what it’s like to not have a stressful vacation, and I don’t know that I ever will.

I need to figure out how to still be happy despite chronic unexpected frustrations. This might be time to talk to a therapist. 

Now, the vacation, in short bursts (photos to come later):

  • Kayaking in Robinson Preserve (has a great bike trail, remember for later)
  • Fishing on a charter (I caught 4 [cat]fish, Adam caught 2. I felt terrible when the hook went through one of their eyes and we released it)
  • Teaching Mer how to jump waves
  • Floating in the gulf like a boss
  • Watching dolphins in the sea from the patio
  • Doing rock-paper-scissors with Mer underwater in the pool
  • Going to Sarasota Jungle Gardens, feeding flamingos (well, only Mer did. The other flamingos weren’t interested)
  • Mote Aquarium (my favorite part was watching the shark feeding. I had no idea they moved so quickly. I also loved the jellyfish exhibit)
  • Selby Gardens downtown (I loved the way the incorporated jazz music into the greenhouse to give it a different vibe, and the artistic way they presented plants and garden features. The contrast of shapes, elevations, and colors was so well done and inspirational. It made me wonder if we can still make any changes to the Gantry at work, or if it’s too late or out of budget. I’d love to add some moving projections of animals swimming, flying, or crawling in the play areas. Right now it’s really static)
  • Seeing sea turtle tracks and nests in the sand for the first time (they looked like human footprints at first, then tractor tread marks
  • Making (and eating delicious food every night: turkey tacos, chicken picata, pork roast, braise beef tip with roasted almonds and spaetzel. Chicken Katsu is tonight. Hopefully, they like it. 
  • Trying lobster (bisque) for the first time and NOT getting sick. But I also didn’t really enjoy the taste
  • Making and drinking margaritas with Thay and Laura. Thay and I were having the best time


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