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Showing posts from July, 2019

Lyra pull up!

This is the silliest post, but last night in lyra class I impressed myself. I had slid out of the hoop and was hanging from the top bar when I realized I needed to get back up. My brain immediately thought, 'Too late. You're going to have to drop down.' But I tried pulling myself back up and holy shit - I could do it. Effortlessly. I realized that it was a pull up I had just done, and those are what I've been practicing at home. Holy shit - I could actually do them now.

"Pole girl" in trapeze class

Well, I haven't posted on here in a while. I just needed a place to vent about something minute. A new girl in trapeze class today was bragging about how she does pole (telling me she has all kinds of pole grips I can borrow, etc.) but shit, she couldn't invert at all. She had to gerry-rig her feet up the trapeze and would slam down to the floor every time she got off. I get it: you've taken pole classes. You have a ton of grip options. That doesn't mean that you "do pole." Especially don't act like you know more than me when you can clearly see I have more experience. And for the first time ever, I see now why some instructors are very anti-grip. The girl can't get upside down but has a million grip aids. That's not helping you.