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Showing posts from December, 2019

2020 Pole Goals + Circus

It's that time again: pole goals! Plus some circus goals this year, since apparently I started taking silks classes in January of last year (2019), followed by lyra about a month or so later and then trapeze about 4 months later. I thought I had started aerial classes in 2018! It's my one-year circus anniversary, woohoo! So in 2018 my goal was strength, not flexibility. Last year (2019), in this post , I wanted to keep working on strength but also incorporate more flexibility. Unfortunately, I was doing really well and getting pretty far - the circus classes were really helping me and I incorporated a lot more pull-ups into my life -when I sustained an AC joint injury from trapeze. That messed me up real good and set my torn shoulder off for the first time in months, since it was now compensating for the newly inured shoulder. I was 100% off exercise for about 3 months; then, on my first day back to pole, DJ - the owner of Blush (oh, hey, yeah! I forgot to mention that I st