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Showing posts from October, 2020

Nightmare - But I won

  I don't know what is up with Blogger, but it won't let me resize images. Seriously annoying.  I had a nightmare last night. But this time, I won. I was in some sort of building, and Brian or Mark hopped into an elevator with me. I seemed to remember a previous dream where if you clicked on a certain button order, it would take you to a spirit world; only I couldn't remember which order. I clicked on some buttons, and they were the wrong ones. I entered into a different spirit world, one that seemed to run like an authoritarian private school. While exploring, I ran into a Master Gardener that I knew, although I couldn't place her name. We sat together for a while, and I pulled up my laptop to email someone back home (it felt like Garrick Hansen, although I never placed a name) who knows about the original spirit world to let them know that I ended up in someplace different and needed help getting back. I was also letting them know that I ran into this other person, wh

Haunted House Writing Class

First thing's first: I really miss the icons I got to choose with each post on LiveJournal, so I'm putting one here. Blogger is seriously such a crappy platform, I'm thinking about going back to LiveJournal even against all my principals. I just worry what will happen to all my memories in LJ when I'm 90 and can't access them anymore. All that stuff... I need to find a way to export it. On with the topic of the post. I'm currently taking a Haunted House writing class (along with a Magic Castle production class), which is an offshoot of the TECWS theme park design workshop I took over the summer. I took a different writing class, which was a huge disappointment; so much so that I almost canceled my enrollment in this one.  I'm so glad I didn't. The instructor for this class is PHE-NO-ME-NAL. He is so attentive, helpful, and knowledgeable. I think the problem with the last one was that, as nice as he was, he had no practical experience. This guy, Ted Dough