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Showing posts from September, 2022

Kennedy Space Center LC-39 Concept Presentation

I presented my first Big Idea today… to NASA. I presented a few other ideas that were mostly my own (or I took Allen’s crappy one and turned it into some better) that no one helped me with, and they loved all of it. But it was a tag-team effort with David doing most of the work, and they absolutely loved our collective ideas. There wasn’t a single thing they said they’d change. It received an A++, far surpasses anything I could have even dreamed of hoping for. As I said, David did most of the leg work (and I think is actually better at explaining experiences than I am), but it really was a team project with team ideas.  Go, team!! I found this image on Google, which is funny because it’s our exact project site!

Kickapoo coffee

My trip to Orlando got postponed because my parents and I have COVID. I was testing negative all week, so I really hoped I had avoided it somehow, but it didn't happen. Anyway, now I'm at the Third Ward Arts festival waiting to meet Traci, and I decided to stop by Kickapoo for my last drink. Now it's called Likewise. This coffee shop has gone through so many rebrands, you have to wonder what's wrong with it given that it's right next to MIAD. But they make a solid matcha, I'll give them that.  This place always brings back memories, and that's why I like it. I came here right after my first SATE and did a bunch of work to try to get into the themed entertainment industry. I think this is where I was working on that video to send out to the employers after Gib Gab. It's funny to see it as a time capsule.