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Showing posts from April, 2024

Conversation with Dad

  Some photos from when Dad and I stopped in Tennessee on the way down to Florida from Wisconsin in May 2023 Just got off a 2 hour phone call with my Dad. It was one of, if not the best, conversations I think I've ever had with him. I called him because I was really upset with my mom re: how she responded to my telling her I didn't get the WDI job.  There are far too many things to mention, so I'm breaking them down into bullets: The (WDI) Job: Of note: his reaction was a totally perfect, normal reaction. He kept reacting to the crazy feedback the recruiter gave me and asked a lot of questions.  He agreed that the recruiter didn't make any sense and it didn't make any sense. He also agreed that I should reach out to another recruiter and try to connect with them. He said it sounds like something is really off inside the department, maybe with leadership, and this might not have been the right time or opportunity. It might have been a good omen  He also said somethin