I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping this week. Between a host of unrelaxing dreams, difficulties falling asleep, and difficulties staying asleep, I feel utterly exhausted during the daytime. Yesterday, I had so many odd dreams. In one of them, Skylar was a fluffy black cat like Sammie and I asked Brian at what age do children turn from cats into children, and he and Michelle made fun of me for thinking children were cats, even though she clearly was. He passed her over to me to hold at one point, but Skylar squirmed out of my grip right away, and I was confused how I was supposed to hold cat - children. I had a more concerning dream about Roto. In the dream, Trevor from KSC work, the gal that freelanced with us once at Roto who used to work there, and I had been hired on as freelancers to write had pitch two ideas for some kind of show. In the dream, the timeline aligned with this past weekend when I have been asked to guest lecture at UCF for their show writing...