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Rocket scripts and ballet sets

 On my way home from painting scenery for the Orlando Opera showing of Macbeth and sets for the Orlando ballet performance of Romeo and Juliet with Amanda. I meant Amanda painting haunted houses with Mikayla, and then the three of us went kayaking, along with her friend Matt and the guy she was dating at the time.  Having the opportunity to paint sets and shows has been such a soul opener and a game changer. I'm doing things I really enjoy doing and have been wanting to do for years, if not a decade at this point. With people I really enjoy and who make me feel happy. It feels low stress but high reward. I hope the doors continue to open and I'm able to keep doing this.  Separately, at work today I wrote a new script for the silly little new rocket launch videos in the courtyard by the gift shop, and my boss approved it on the first draft. She said it was really good. This felt like a win even though it was so small (it was only one page) because I struggled with it. It's a
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Frank Lloyd Wright tour, Beetlejuice, and Nick (SeaWorld)

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Competitive siblings

July 9th, 2024: Since I have hour long rides to and from work now, I might have more posts. Although they will definitely have more typos, because I have to talk into my phone to write them.  Flew back into Orlando this morning from Milwaukee. Went back home for the 4th of July to see the whole family. Brian, Michelle, Savannah, and Skylar all came over from LA for the holiday, and I thought it would be a great opportunity to see everyone.  It was a great trip, if a bit busy. It's always busy. When isn't it busy? But I did find some time to just walk around the park and see my friends. I just kind of told everyone I was doing it, and no one made a fuss. Except for Lea, who seems to think that she is helpful by telling me that I shouldn't do things and should just hang out with her instead. We did a lot of things, and I loved seeing my nieces, especially Skylar. I adore that little girl. But it became too much children often. When it was just two of them, it was manageable;

Little writing win at work

I did something I'm really proud of today. At work, I had to break down the science behind the sound, light, and fog of an engine I'm short, one sentence blurbs at a sixth grade reading level. And I also had to write a graphic about rocket engine test fires.  Do you know how complicated those things are? They're literal rocket science. Everything else I've talked about so far has been pretty easy to distill down into simple talking points, but not those things. I spent all day today and half of yesterday researching them, and I could not wrap my head around them. Nothing online broke it down or explained the terminology, and different sources explained it differently, meaning that I had a bunch of unreliable sources. It's not this often that I feel unintelligent, but this did.  Despite this, I somehow managed to break it down and come up with a sentence describing each thing that I thought was pretty good. I shared it with Cole, our resident subject matter expert on