There's a hawk in the Cypress Grove Park that's been popping back and forth for the last hour. Sometimes he's on the post be the bridge, sometimes he's on the ground, poking for bugs or lizards. Then he'll pop over to the post in front of me for a little bit, then hang in the tree for a while. He's a fascinating little guy. Clearly, I'm not the only one who thinks so because some millennials just came over and spooked him with their camera and imposing presence.
POLE This last weekend I took my first pole workshop with a traveling instructor. Even though I didn't find it overly helpful (or worth the money), I still consider it a milestone in my pole fitness journey. The instructor was Brynn Route, and we did a series of unconnected floor choreography sequences. I didn't find it very helpful because it wasn't applicable to anything else, and I really wanted to learn some actual pole tricks. If I'm paying $90 for a session, I want to get something out of it that I wouldn't from a regular class (or YouTube). One of the other girls, Jill, was struggling just as much as I was with a lot of the moves in the workshop (Brynn was super nice, but she only showed each complicated sequence twice without a breakdown before having us do it), which was fantastic in camaraderie. At the end of the workshop she turned to me and said, "you're so strong," which just made my life. I told her I didn't really know how to res...
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