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Last night I dreamed that I was in a virtual game that allowed me to choose different themed adventures to participate in. I was staying in some kind of multi-faceted world complex, and I could walk across the atrium to get to the adventures. Some were based on Disney characters, like an under-the-sea Little Mermaid quest, but the one the struck my fancy most was the Nordic/Thor one. Outside the entrance participants were claiming hammers that looked like Thor's, with the advertisement that you would get to wield it just like him.

There were a number of other adventures I went on before going into the Nordic/Thor game. At one point I was walking through a caged bridge that lead over someone's private islands. It had a pit stop at one of the islands, where I got to meet and speak with the owner. At another point a large family of boys/men were staying with me and my family at this giant world complex, and we were all going to go to the beach, but I had no where to change into my swimsuit without the male visitors (who were wandering all around the residential level) seeing. So I wandered across the atrium into one of the themed virtual games to find a changing room. The first part I entered was laid out like a big outdoor Indian shopping village. I found someone who worked in the game but wasn't one of the virtual characters and asked where I could find a bathroom or place to change. She said that unfortunately, all the bathrooms were on the seventh floor.

I wasn't sure if anyone was going to reply, given that they were virtual game players; but they all suddenly frowned angrily at me and a few of them got up. I don't remember what they said to me, but I said, "She agrees with me (referring to the girl who was crowned). Are there any other players here?" Only the crowned woman raised her hand. It was just the two of us playing. The game characters put us both in handcuffs and lead us off.

We were being held there past game shut-down, so everything was just black. I told my co-hostage that I needed to use the bathroom, so I got up. I asked the program mainframe (like Jarvis in Iron Man) where the bathroom was, and it showed me a red lazer line going straight in front of me. I followed it until I reached some sort of imaginary door that I apparently walked through, and then the line split in a bunch of different directions onto what looked like imaginary square pillars. This was apparently where all the bathrooms were. It was hard to tell how far away some of them were, and I didn't feel like walking for miles; so I asked the program mainframe which bathroom was closest. She narrowed it down to 2 lines, so I followed one of them. When I got to the end of it the game turned on and I could see all of the background and game characters. There were 4 bathrooms: 2 for the men and 2 for the women, but the womens' bathrooms were in the form of stores (I'm assuming the bathrooms were in the back of them) - one for sportswear and one that looked like Maurice's. I don't care about sportswear, so I started going into the Maurice's one but then got creeped out and went into the other one. That's where the dream ended.

At any rate, I was really excited to get a hammer and go on the Nordic/Thor adventure game. I did a bunch of fun things and then fast forward to a ceremonial dinner where another female player was being awarded a crown. I was sitting at the end of the table, feeling like a loser, and became annoyed that we were at the end of the game and it wasn't as epic as I had hoped it would be. At no point did we get to use the hammer we were given. So I stood up and, knowing that I was breaking the 5th wall, said, "Look, this is nothing against her - " I pointed to the other player " - I don't even care that she won; but we never got to use the hammers and you promised that we would. That's what I was looking forward to the most. Why did you give us one if we don't get to use it?" The girl receiving the crown spoke up, as well, saying, "Yes, I really wanted to do use it to."


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