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Pole update

Today was one of the best pole dance classes I've ever had. I signed up for Pole 3 with Kate after accidentally dropping into one of her Pole 2 classes, and she may be my favorite instructor to date. Which is ironic, given that I used to be so intimidated by her when I was teaching and therefore actively avoided her. She was so advanced, I just kind of assumed she would act all high and mighty; but that's not the case at all. She's absolutely delightful, just like Val.

Pole 4 turned out to be a bit harder than I could handle, and even my first Pole 3 class was a little intimidating; but I absolutely flew through it today and proved my worth. I'm so so incredibly happy with my progress and successes today. I'm not quite as flexible as I was 2 years ago, but I think I might be even stronger. It only took 2 months - considerably less time than I thought - to get back in the game.

Today's class was super low-key, which is the biggest reason I think I was as successful as I was. Most people, including the instructor, were running really late because of the snow storm; and Kate had broken two of her fingers, so it had a very loose, but still organized, flow, with a lot of room for freestyle practice. I suspect it's because there's no one to teach the upper levels at the moment, but almost everyone in the class is coming from a higher level. Only 1 person today was actually at level 3 (and it's probably too high for her). At first this made me very self-conscious, but as I got to know the girls I got to really like them. We bonded immediately and they were all super helpful today when I was working on my problem moves. Kate was able to give me some tips, too, which nearly solved my long-time problems. I think I might actually be able to get some of these moves now because of her (I'm looking at you, cross-ankle hangback!).

I could tangibly see my progress in this class, which made me feel wonderfully confident in myself. In addition to getting some moves I've had problems with forever, I was suddenly getting new moves from Pole 4 that I couldn't do. The side climb, for example, suddenly came really easy to me; and I was able to get into a superman multiple times(!). Granted, they weren't perfect supermen, but I could get into them pretty solidly. My extended butterfly came back in perfect posture, and I have come closer to getting my inverted V than ever before. For some reason, I looked up the pole towards the ceiling this time, and that for some reason made a gigantic difference. I could get into the V easily doing that, although I wasn't able to hold it quite yet.

I honestly feel like I'm better than I ever was, even though I can't do all the things I used to - because now I can do more. I'm stronger. Maybe the strength and conditioning classes are legitimately helping. What's more, being able to do all the Pole 3 moves with total ease made me feel so good about how far I've come. I remember when all these things were difficult. Now they're so easy I can do them and goof off. Mentally and physically, I can feel that I've made huge strides.

I have a far to go yet, but I feel like I've reached a new level and that all of it is so much more achievable now. I know I can get up there with those Pole 7 girls. I was worried about going back into Pole 4 when it ended, but now I feel 100% confident that I can do it. I might have to do it once or twice (or more), but I have made it there.


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