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Showing posts from March, 2018

Ugh to 30

30 was supposed to be great. 30 was supposed to be my year. At least according to my mother, who could "feel it." Well, 30 has been crap. At least, the second half of it. Still in this deadbeat job. Still living at home. No finances, no prospects, job or otherwise. No hope in any foreseeable future. And just when I thought things couldn't get worse, when I literally thought to myself, 'the only way to make this worse is to get in a car accident,' what happens? I get in a car accident. Right after I have to pay a ton of money out of pocket, right after my prescription glasses break and I don't have the insurance to get new ones, right after I'm sick for 2 months and have to miss a ton a work I could have been paid for. To add insult to injury, I hit them, which means my insurance will go up and I got a bullshit citation of $125 on top of it. As if I didn't have enough money problems to worry about. My bank account is the lowest it's been since I

Pole update #3

Tonight was my first night of Pole 5, revisited. We worked on shoulder mounts, flags, handspring preps (with a flag hold and split grip hold), the pull-up climb, aerial invert, and spinning handstand dismount (never heard of this one before). I met my goal of achieving the shoulder mount on my first try, impressing my instructor, Tiffany, who was with me when I first returned to pole. The last time I had a pole class with her I could barely do a normal invert and slipped down the pole when I tried to shoulder mount, so it's no surprise that she was surprised. It was Kate's tip that tipped me over the wall, which was to lift my hips in the air. Once I tried that, I was golden. Sure, it doesn't look or feel very smooth like with the other girls, but I can confidently and consistently do it, which is the starting point. Also, there was only one other girl out of four who could do it. I was worried that I was going to be way behind everyone else, but I turns out I might be sm