Sure, there are other positive things happening: I went to Six Flags for the first time in years with a new-ish friend for my birthday, and I went kayaking down the Milwaukee River for the first time last week with same said friend. Both were very fun. Last week was also downtown dining week, and I got to try two new places (The Knick and Ale Asylum), one of which I really loved. On Saturday, I went to the drive-in with Charlotte and Jordan and saw "Solo" and "Avengers: Infinity War." Also, a few weeks ago, on a really hot day, I decided spur of the moment to go jump in a lake at 8pm. It was miraculous. So while I may have completely missed spring, I'm knocking everything off my summer bucket list in quick-fire procession.
Which leads into the topic of this post. For a few years now I've been wanting to make these cherry blossom cookies:
They require pickling cherry blossoms, which can obviously only be done in the spring, or purchasing them pre-made. Every year I plan on going outside when the flowers are blooming and doing this process, and every year I miss the designated time period. Last year, I missed it by a week; this year I didn't even see them bloom. But instead of moving on into summer all grumpy like, I've decided to go back to spring and relive it: I decided to buy the premade pickled cherry blossom packets online.
I'm excited to try making the cookies, but I also found this great recipe for a cherry blossom milk pudding, using the same pickled cherry blossom packets.
I'm excited to try making the cookies, but I also found this great recipe for a cherry blossom milk pudding, using the same pickled cherry blossom packets.
It looks very easy: the bottom is just milk, yogurt, and heavy cream; and the top is just jello, basically. It should be doable, and I'm excited to try it.
The recipes come from Just One Cookbook, an Asian food blog, which I've used before. They have an eBook for $9, and since I like their recipes a decent amount, I decided to buy it. Adventure!
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