I had all these ideas for posts in my head, but now I can't remember any of them. But I have a quick pole update - and karate, I guess.
Everyone keeps talking down the twisted grip handspring, as it apparently can cause damage to your shoulder, and talking up true grip. Well, twisted feels great to me and true wreaks something terrible on the thumb side of my wrist. I do want to learn true, though, because it requires more strength and you can do more things in it.
I posted this complaint on one of the online pole communities and someone suggested using cup grip instead, which I had never considered because it feels so insecure. They argued that it's the best for doing Iron X, so I might as well learn it. Looking online, that seems to be true. So I gave it a shot last night and lo and behold, it feel super good! No pain, and I didn't have all problems falling off the pole. It definitely required a lot more strength than I currently have, but I was impressed at how far I could go. I was able to raise my butt up and a bit of my knees, but I couldn't get farther than that. That's also with 2 bad wrists right now and almost half my physical strength, so I'm pretty sure that I'm in good shape to get it with all my facilities back. Strange that with true grip I can't even get that far.
I finally started kobudo in karate the other day. I like it 5,000% better than karate class, but you apparently have to do both, and I'm not enjoying the karate classes. Which is a shame, because I love the weapons classes. Anyway, the instructor gave me a bo and black gi yesterday, which I had to pay for. I was hoping to hold off until I quit so I wouldn't have to, but there wasn't really a way around it.
Everyone keeps talking down the twisted grip handspring, as it apparently can cause damage to your shoulder, and talking up true grip. Well, twisted feels great to me and true wreaks something terrible on the thumb side of my wrist. I do want to learn true, though, because it requires more strength and you can do more things in it.
I posted this complaint on one of the online pole communities and someone suggested using cup grip instead, which I had never considered because it feels so insecure. They argued that it's the best for doing Iron X, so I might as well learn it. Looking online, that seems to be true. So I gave it a shot last night and lo and behold, it feel super good! No pain, and I didn't have all problems falling off the pole. It definitely required a lot more strength than I currently have, but I was impressed at how far I could go. I was able to raise my butt up and a bit of my knees, but I couldn't get farther than that. That's also with 2 bad wrists right now and almost half my physical strength, so I'm pretty sure that I'm in good shape to get it with all my facilities back. Strange that with true grip I can't even get that far.
I finally started kobudo in karate the other day. I like it 5,000% better than karate class, but you apparently have to do both, and I'm not enjoying the karate classes. Which is a shame, because I love the weapons classes. Anyway, the instructor gave me a bo and black gi yesterday, which I had to pay for. I was hoping to hold off until I quit so I wouldn't have to, but there wasn't really a way around it.
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