This video is terrible evidence, but I managed to get (and hold! Albeit briefly) my cup grip handspring earlier this week! I've been working on it for... I don't know, maybe 4 months? Before my shoulder injury. I was trying to incorporate it into my training so that I wouldn't have to only rely on twisted grip and because true grip really hurts my wrists (for the record, an article just came out saying how true grip is really bad on your wrists, which is where it hurts me). I found a YouTube video that showed getting into it from chest out, so that's how I've been training. I can't imagine trying to swing kick into it.
I've been slowly feeling closer and closer to staying up, and on Monday I was finally able to do it! Seriously, it's amazing because I haven't been able to do any pole for the last 3 months due to my shoulder injury, so how did this happen?? I credit my physical therapist because she's been really working my ass off with some difficult strengthening exercises. I am legitimately stronger in my upper body because of her.
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