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Showing posts from November, 2018

Dangerous Brian!

We worked on Dangerous Brian these last two classes with Kate. So far, I'm the only one who can get it. The hanging version looked much cooler on Instagram, but I'm absolutely loving the shape of the closed version. It might be my new favorite shape. Kate says it's called Dangerous Brian because it looks like the letter 'b.'   Other things I've been working and making great progress on are: Aerial choppers Inverts with one leg bent  Spinning inverts Shoulder mounts from V legs Aerial shoulder mounts Cup grip handspring Superman --> Dove

Roll Train!

Today I went to a Roll Train class and oh my lord, it was so fun! I've always wanted to be one of those cool dancing roller skaters, but I can't roller skate. I've tried; I just can't do it. But I can roller blade! I asked the woman in charge a while back if I could still join, and she said yes. So I am their first roller blader, yay! To my giant surprise, I was much better at it than I expected. I thought I was going to fall on my face, but I actually held my own and was able to keep up with the others. Both the owner and I thought roller blades were going to make many of the moves difficult or impossible, but it wasn't the case. The only thing that was a little bit of a struggle was the grapevine because my wheels get in the way. But heck, I seriously didn't expect to do as good as I did. And now I'm really interested in getting better at rollerblading! I want to learn how to stop properly and jump things.

Exercise update - shoulder pain

The past week I have been incredibly tired. Worrisome tired. I know nothing is actually wrong, but also don't know what's caused it. It's been better the last few days but it was really bad last Monday through Thursday. I woke up as tired as when I went to bed and slept every chance I had. My energy was never more than 5%, which was particularly terrible when I was at work. During this time my shoulder was in more pain than it ever has been (it still is), and my other shoulder also became injured. I'm not sure if this had anything to do with how tired I was, but I can't imagine so. It all started the day after the Urban Combatives active shooter seminar I took up in Madison with Lee Morrison. I was fine the day of, but Suzy shoved me into the wall pretty hard on my bad shoulder when I wasn't ready. That I'll attribute to the new pain in the back of my shoulder, although I would have thought it'd be gone by now. With all that said, I haven't done

Interview with Seattle?!

   I got invited to have a phone interview with a suburb of Seattle for a Cultural Arts Administrator position. Finally, success! I hope for the best and expect nothing, but I'm proud to have finally gotten an out-of-state interview. The fact that they are giving me the time of day means that I must have done something right and impressed them. Considering there are a million people in Seattle with an art background and I am at least a primary candidate is something to be joyful about. This was the confidence boost I needed. And the best thing is that the position is something I could actually do and would be amazing at. I legitimately would be a great fit for it.