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Sick but feeling good

I’m going on day four of the flu. I haven’t been this sick in years. Christine, my boss, made me go home mid-day. I wouldn’t have gone in at all, but I don’t regret going because I needed her to see that I’m not faking. This early in the job, I need to reassure her of that.

Some of my seeds are already sprouting! I have no idea which ones they are because I didn’t label them, but I suspect it’s the cilantro. 

I’m also plugging along, trying to make small movements forward on getting my children’s book published. The query letter has gotten full marks of approval from my mom and Jamie, and I just need to make a few edits to the manuscript itself based on my mom’s notes. Then I have to make a list of agents to send to. It seems intimidating, but I think if I can get into the right headspace it’s doable.

Speaking of headspaces, I finally got back into a good one today. I plopped myself down in the conference room this morning at work and immediately got to work. Despite my brain moving a little slower than usual, I was actually very productive. I was able to knock out the necessary changes to Expedition 71, Kristy’s Bus Stop A and B graphics, and even made notes on Eric’s document. And then I participated in a graphics meeting in between. It doesn’t sound like a lot, but I was really chugging along and in the zone. It felt good to be doing something I forgot I actually enjoy. I enjoy outer space. I enjoy learning about launch pads. I enjoy writing and editing. It’s fun. It’s made me remember that who I am is a badass who writes and problem solves for NASA. THAT’S who I am. 

Yes, I’ve always subscribed to the theory that your work should not be your identity, but for me it always has been. I express myself through my job. I’m creative, I’m smart. I solve problems, I make things. And if things are a little off-kilter in the life part of my work-life balance, I now know I can always lean on the work side of things that give me passion to get me through. 

Even now, with a foggy head and phlegm in my throat, I feel determined and empowered sitting on the lawn chair on my poolside patio. 

Now, if only I would feel better. I have the mental determination but not wherewithal. Which means I think it’s time I go lay down and take a nap for a little bit before I lift myself up and drag myself to preshow night at Leu Garden’s “Happy Frights.” 


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